Not in the shower, no. But do often have a drink in the bath. My preferred tipple at the mo is whisky and coke. No idea why, just had a major craving for it lately!
When I first moved here there wasn’t a bath, but rather a plug hole in the floor in a half arsed attempt at making it a wet room. Buddy had been so incredibly stressed out by the whole eviction and moving process where we were homeless for a month and sofa surfing with friends, he’d absolutely lose his marbles if I put an extra layer on or closed the windows or changed my footwear. Basically anything that indicated I might be going out and leaving him. And so, whenever I had a shower, he’d sit in the corner all of a foot away from my feet! If that! It was the cutest thing ever, but also so incredibly heartbreaking that he’d been so distressed by everything.
Pahahahahaha! That’s almost sounding like it could become a code word for ‘porn’. I purposely chose xHamster because it doesn’t have ‘porn’ in its name meaning that it can be name-checked whilst talking to someone in public, but the majority of people won’t know what it is. So instead of saying “Have you seen Rachel’s newest porno?” it’d be “Have you seen Rachel’s latest happy accident?”. Haha
Naaaw, cheers dude! So pleased you like it! I don’t mind having a shower buddy. Of the human kind! Cos normally I have a very noisy shower Buddy who incessantly wants me to play ball when he knows I’m talking into my phone. Happens with phone calls as well as making videos. Haha.