Dirty Head (The Bad Wife) German Punishment Shaving


Wenn du weiter von mir gefügelt werden willst,

lass dir die Haare abschneiden, hat er geschrieben.

Nein, nein, das kann ich nicht.

Aber auf seinen Schwanz verzichten, das kann ich auch nicht.

Also, was wirst du jetzt machen?

cerise62 1年之前
j aime
nakedinuk 1年之前
Shame there's not an English version of this, I can only guess she is late due to her doing her hair so he decides to shave her head as a punishment so she is not late again due to her hair as she now hasn't got any.
Sadvirginbitch 2年之前
Full vid?
short_hair-Lover 2年之前
Ganz so krass ist es bei mir nicht. Mir reicht ein schöner Pixie Haircut. Die Schambehaarung darf eine Frau auch ruhig dran lassen. Rasiert ist aber auch schön. 
Holyhubo 6年之前
It's german.And germans,well they speak about women as 'Eutersau' and they call nipples  'warts'.
Holyhubo 6年之前
Maybe is good to mention that SILWA was not specialised in bizarre fetishism.They had a Teenmag line and this one appeared as one of the first in the Sex'o'm (?) series.Most of the SILWA material is not as sophisticated as this one.Ii's
Holyhubo 6年之前
See you found another copy.It's more clear for Antoine now too.She says she doesn't want to be shaved and he insists.He only can get a hard on,when she is bold.She says she rather wants to be fucked in her ass instead of being shaven,but she cann't resist.Later she is offering again her ass,but he only wants her bold passy.I remember this as a SILWA Verlag photomagasin,but there are some differences.There he dresses her up shaven for example.I was highly excited by the exposure,the humiliation and the depreciation at the end for a long time.As a movie it's been worked out pretty well for those days.The play isn't too bad,but he is much more irritating as a dominant perverted sadistic fetishist.
antoineCC 9年之前
They talk a lot (specially him) but I do not understand German : what does he say ? why does he shave her head ? why does she accept to be shaved ? did she cheat on him ? but he has another girlfriend … Pity we cannot see all the haircutting with the scissors.
antoineCC 9年之前
Ils parlent beaucoup (surtout lui) mais je ne comprends pas l’allemand : que dit-il ? pourquoi la tond-il ? pourquoi accepte-t-elle ? l’a-t-elle trompé ? mais il a lui-même une autre petite amie … Dommage qu’on ne voit pas toute la coupe aux ciseaux.
They talk a lot (specially him) but I do not understand German : what does he say ? why does he shave her head ? why does she accept to be shaved ? did she cheat on him ? but he has another girlfriend … Pity we cannot see all the haircutting with the scissors.
Hablan mucho (especialmente él) pero yo no entiendo alemàn : qué dicen ? porqué le corta el pelo ? porqué acepta ella ? le ha enganado ella ? pero él tiene a otra amiga …
Làstima que no podemos ver todo el corte de pelo con las tijeras.
goodkindful 11年之前
please more vid