按下 / World`s top adult social network site, xHamster surpasses 10,000,000 members worldwide

A top adult social network site, xHamster, one of the world's largest adult entertainment sites according to Alexa ranking, providing a huge variety of content to cater for all preferences since 2007, has surpassed 10,000,000 members worldwide.

"We're totally excited to reach over 10, 000, 000 threshold," says xHamster. "Let's have a big round of applause for everyone that had helped us get here!".

Aimed at building an adult website, where people could have a good social time and invite friends, xHamster brings all good things into one place. The web-site includes videos, live webcams, messaging and a lot more, creating the perfect platform for users to share their amateur content, for producers to advertise the artworks, for performers to broadcast live, as well as for everyone to enjoy their online adult community.

"We must admit that when we started our website years ago just for fun, we had no idea that the fans` population would grow this fast. Thanks to the fans, we`ve become the metropolis of love – an accomplishment indeed", says xHamster.

The company focuses on spreading the love across the globe not only by words but also by deeds. Recently the xHamster team also run their first-ever breast cancer awareness campaign that was an absolute success, as the company managed to raise enough funds to support research on the breast cancer cure.

In November, xHamster team is running a fundraiser to help prostate cancer, because only in the US it goes about 30k men being affected each year, and medical professionals have discovered that ejaculations can reduce the risk.

For all press and media inquiries and to speak with the founders of xHamster, please contact media@xhamster.com.

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