VRCosplayX Now Is The Moment To Consummate That Blossoming Love With Summer Hart As Dragon Age's Lace Harding
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The only people we have are those we care about, and everything is in disarray. After saving the world once, a new threat always appears in the Dragon Age universe. Together with you, your Elven partner Solas valiantly sealed the dimensional gap. But, spoiler alert: he was the first person in ancient times to betray the Elven gods! The only way to bring the Elves back is to break the Veil that was built to shield our world from the gods' wrath after he severed their connection to magic. The stunning Dwarven scout Lace Harding has been a tremendous help on your mission, but she missed the vital arrow shot on Solas the Dreadwolf. As a result, there is now complete chaos, yet nothing will stop you from rescuing Thedas from a dreadful destiny. Your shared struggles have strengthened your bond with Lace, and the time has come to finalise your blooming love. Will you vanish again if she shuts her eyes? Are you one of the Fade's spirits? It's time to concentrate on you two, by yourselves.
Brooke, are you alright? This is madness. Solas will destroy Thedas. We must stop him.
Trust me, he's not going to stop just because an old friend asked nicely. I can take the shot.
Solas! No!
Rook, you had me scared back there.
The ritual.