THE ONLY ONE - dark fetish music video
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Sometimes I can't take the silence
Emotions won't flow, oh the violence
Stuck on repeat, on what I said
Electrical storms in my head
Why do you test me?
Nothing comes easy
I will haunt you
I will break you
In the end, will it work out?
Because I can't stand playing dumb now
The warning signs are just too strong
Emotions can't hold for this long
Why do you test me?
Nothing comes easy
I will haunt you
I will break you
Sometimes I try to ignore you
But I can't shake loose from what you do
Stuck on repeat, on what I said
Electrical storms in my head
Emotions won't flow, oh the violence
Stuck on repeat, on what I said
Electrical storms in my head
Why do you test me?
Nothing comes easy
I will haunt you
I will break you
In the end, will it work out?
Because I can't stand playing dumb now
The warning signs are just too strong
Emotions can't hold for this long
Why do you test me?
Nothing comes easy
I will haunt you
I will break you
Sometimes I try to ignore you
But I can't shake loose from what you do
Stuck on repeat, on what I said
Electrical storms in my head