prostate Fantasy... and only men can do this. I had a medical doctor once do it to me at age 11 to make sure my prostate gland was 'working'.... yea sure.. I knew better after 10 minutes of his working on me. He was really into just getting a young boys cock off. I loved it. He did work it slow and easy to begin with and than harder and harder until I totally blew one long hard gush of cum straight up in the air. He wiped most of if off my chest and ate it....... He was able to get 5 more good sized gushes of cum out of my cock just by working my prostate. It is totally exciting and you DO NEED TO TRY IT .........daddy
"Je Taime" Indeed..... FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL.. You make me tingle from the tip of my toes to the tip of my now swelling cock. PERFECT! xxxxx